Awaken the sense of adventure within children with the Honolulu play structure. Children will be able to get onto the structure by taking regular stairs, or by climbing a sea creature climber, pod climber, or vertical ladder. The sea creature climber leads up to a series of same-level platforms. These platforms are bordered by a tic tac toe panel and a bubble panel, a triangular platform has the pod climber attached to it and as well as a left turn slide. An arch bridge connects to another set of same-level platforms. These platforms have a double slide, a wave slide, a gear panel, a vertical ladder, and a spiral slide attached to it. Beneath the Honolulu play structure a curved crawl tube leads to a car panel, and a rain wheel, a drum, bongos, and a ship’s wheel, make it ADA compliant. This structure is designed for children 2-12 years of age.
- 48″ deck height
- Double Slide
- Line Roof
- Gear Panel (Above)
- Car Panel (Below)
- Spiral Slide
- Rain Wheel
- Curved Crawl Tube
- Arch Bridge
- Sea Creature Climber
- Transfer Station
- Bench Panel (below)
- Bubble Panel (Above)
- Left Turn Slide
- Ship’s Wheel
- Pod Climber
- Tic Tac Toe Panel
- Vertical Ladder
- Wave Slide
- Bongos
Age Range: 2-12 years
Child Capacity: 55-64
Safety Zone: 32′ 3″ x 37′ 3″